Bypass surgery or angioplasty are done for more severe blockages seen on angiogram  but we ignore  multiple scattered minor but more risky plaques and hence the risk of heart attack remains almost the same even after surgery.
Myth-   Bypass surgery / angioplasty are a must for all those having > 70% blockages or abnormal exercise ECG test and they always improve survival:
Fact :By no means it is claimed that heart bypass surgery and angioplasty are not important or useful. They do reduce the symptoms of coronary artery disease (i.e., they will likely make you feel better) and therefore improve the quality of life. However, do not confuse relief of symptoms with improving your chances of not having a heart attack or dying from coronary artery disease complications (i.e., sudden death).
 It is essential that you understand that heart bypass surgery and angioplasty do not cure coronary heart disease. These surgical procedures essentially alleviate the symptoms of the disease. The cure of the disease resides in managing your risk factors and most importantly reducing the blood concentration of LDL – cholesterol through diet, exercise, stress management, regular health check up and proper medications.
Only in an emergency situation, or when a blockage in a specific segment of the coronary artery (called the left main segment) is bypassed, or if three or more major coronary arteries are severely narrowed does this surgery  modestly reduce the risk of further complications including death. For example, if you are in the midst of having a heart attack and arrive at the hospital within 2 to 4 hours, your chance of survival will significantly improve if you have angioplasty or heart bypass surgery. Also those who have severe angina, which is uncontrolled, in spite of adequate medications, may benefit from these procedures.  
Myth - Exercise is risky for heart patients:
Fact : Actually, exercise is not only safe essential end beneficial for most heart patients.Regular exercise of moderate or higher than average intensity for at least 30 to 50 min daily is a great defense against  future heart attacks.  Studies have proved  that regular exercise of fair intensity greatly improves blood supply to the heart and helps develop natural bypass which, unlike man-made bypass, is a lifelong benefit.
Nature has bestowed human heart with amazing capacity of self-healing of blockages  (including reversal) and developing ‘Natural Bypass’. It is clear that with regular exercise of  sufficient intensity and duration, the new network of  blood vessels called the collateral microcirculation provides alternative ways for the blood to get to its  destination. This explains why so many patients with apparently severe coronary artery disease do not have symptoms, nor are they at high risk of a heart attack.
Exercise also offers several other invaluable benefits like, reduction of body weight, blood pressure, blood cholesterol, blood sugar, anxiety, etc. Besides, regular exercise greatly improves cardiovascular fitness and quality of life. In short, exercise is a magic poly pill for heart patients and it not only adds YEARS to life but also adds LIFE to years.
Of course, all heart patients and those who are above 40 years of age should have an exercise ECG test and take medical advice before starting exercise program. Heart patients who have had recent heart attack, angioplasty or bypass surgery should enroll in medically supervised exercise [cardiac rehabilitation programs] for first two to three months.
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