Dr. Shailesh Desai achived success in creating a institution from where the patient can live better life with minimum cost. pain and hurdles.
Former Chariman, Central Water Commission & Ex. Officio Secrtary,Government of india
I would like to place on record my apprecation for the services you have een rendering to the society for the last 20 years in Health care and rehabitation for patients who have undergone Cardiac Intervention and other associated issues. I am very much impressed with the word class facilities you have created at the Cardio Uno Plus with support from Manibhai & Brothers Cheritable Trust Where you are Providing ECG Monitored Exercise, Diet Counselling, Health Education, Stress Management, yoga and Physiotherapy. the center helps not only in neede support after Cardio intervention but also it is helping to avoid major medical intervention and lead healthy life. Patient with other problems like diabetes and obesity have also benifited and good results achiveed through the programes offered by you
I say this form my own experience, Which has been very happy During Cardic evalution in February 2007,coronary Angiography revealed that my R.C.Awas totally occluded in proxmal part. In LAD 90% lesion was detected in proximal, LAD followed by 70% lesion in mid LAD. The Distal LAD was diffusely diseased. the D2 showed 90% lesion in proximal part. D1 & D2 were also diffusely diseased. renowed doctors advices stenting or bypass surgery. Dr. R.I Kapadia refferred to your center and i decided to give a trial to the programmes available at Cardio-Uno- Plus. After undergoing two months programme, which included medicines, youg ane ECG monitored exercises, the Trade Mill Test was performed. To our surprise a 25% improvement in TMT Performance has been achived. Encouged by this result we have deferred the cardiac intervention and are hopeful of desire improvement in performance of my heart.
During my associaion with Cardio-Uno-Plus I have come across many similar satisfied patients. I would like to note here that the center is commited to ensuring healthy living
The Country needs many more such centers and I wish the authoritiesd and socitey realize this and act fast
Mr. Jethabhai Darji : (R:  079- 27486383)
Mr. Jethabhai Darji+, 75 years, hypertensive, low-income person, developed massive heart attack in 1994 and developed severe shock, unconsciousness & pumping failure of the heart. Although he needed angiography & bypass surgery he could not afford it & opted for our conservative medical management. He enrolled in our supervised exercise program and did very well and became fully active with much less angina. He subsequently remained well and active for several years in-spite of poor left ventricular function and significant blockages. An angiogram done in 2002 after another episode of chest pain, reveled three blockages -100%, 90% & 40% with reduced function of Left
ventricular function and significant blockages. An angiogram done in 2002 after another episode of chest pain, reveled three blockages -100%, 90% & 40% with reduced function of Left ventricle EF- 33%. Again due to financial constraints he decided not to go for bypass surgery, which was very strongly recommended. After joining 3 months of Cardio Uno supervised exercise program again this time also he improved very well & ever since then has been having trouble free active life without angina. Presently, at 75years age, he walks 30 min daily & attends our regular exercise classes of treadmill & bicycle exercise for 30 min.
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