54 yr. old male having NYHA Class III was referred to us by Dr. R.I. Kapadia for rehabilitation & health education program on 25/9/2003. He had twice failed PTCA, he was unwilling to go for intervention or CABG. After explaining pros & cons of CABG vs medical management, he was taken on our exercise, education diet & psychological counseling program to improve his quality of life & to decrease his cad risk factors. Patient had slow but significant increase in effort tolerance and excellent improvement in anxiety.
    Weight INCREASE – 2.13%
    Max TMT WL – METs –82.4% INCREASE
    Conditioning [fitness] index increased by 69 %
    Reduction in medicines by 50%
    Enormous improvement in anxiety & mental health
    Reduction in Bl. Cholesterol 7.14%
    Reduction in worst cholesterol [LDL] 4.35%
    Patient became asymptomatic [NYHA I] compared to on entry class II to III angina

Vinod Kataria - Diagnosis: Hyperlipidomia + IHD

    Weight reduction – 3.23%.
    Max TMT WL – METs –112.8 % INCREASE
    Conditioning [fitness] index increased by 154.5%
    Improvement in anxiety & mental health
    Overall CAD risk score went down from 12 to 4
    Reduction in worst cholesterol [LDL] 71.45 %
    Patient became asymptomatic
     Age 47 YEARS Diagnosis: IHD + HT + HYPERLIPIDEMIA
  UTTPAL SHAH, 47yrs.Old, good improvement in effort tolerance - peak TMT workload increased by 15% , peak exercising work load increased by 276% and fitness index increased by 219%.
  Good improvement in blood cholesterol with 31% decrease in LDL and 14% increased in HDL.
  Patient Bodyweight Remained Same But Body fat Percentage Decreased By 12.66%.
  Antihypertensive Medications Were Reduced By 33% And Lipid Lowering Medicines Were Reduced By 50%.
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