Care of Your Surgical Leg :
If your surgery involved taking a bypass graft from your leg, follow these guidelines :
  Care for your leg incision as described above.
  Avoid crossing your legs because this impairs circulation.
  Avoid sitting in one position or standing for prolonged periods of time.
Elevate your leg on a stool or coffee table when sitting. You can also lie on a couch and elevate your legs on the arm of the couch.
Check your leg daily for swelling. The swelling should decrease when you elevate your leg, but it might recur when you stand. If you continue to have leg swelling or it becomes worse, notify your doctor.
Elastic Stocking If Prescribed :
If they were prescribed for you, wear your elastic stockings while you are up for at least two weeks after discharge. The stockings help decrease swelling,especially if you have a leg incision.
  Remove your stockings at bedtime.
Medicines :
The doctor will give you prescriptions before you leave the hospital. Take the medicine exactly as your doctor prescribes. Keep a current list of your medicines, dosages, and times to be taken in your wallet or purse. Do not take other medicines without telling your doctor.
Side Effects :
It is important to understand that medicines can cause SIDE EFFECTS. If you have any of the following side effects of medicines, you should call your physician's office.
  Excessive nausea, diarrhea, constipation, or stomach pain
  Dizzy or lightheaded when standing
  Tingling in hands and feet
  Extremely slow or fast pulse
  Skin rash
  Unusual bruising or bleeding.
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