Resuming Activities After Heart Surgery
Showers :
You can take showers after your pacing wires and staples are out. Avoid soaking in baths until your incisions are healed. Avoid extremely hot water.
Dress :
Wear comfortable, loose fitting clothes that do not put undue pressure on your incisions.
Rest :
You need a balance of rest and exercise for your recovery. Plan to rest between activities and to take short naps as necessary. Resting also includes sitting quietly for 20-30 minutes. Rest 30 minutes after meals before exercising.
Walking :
This is one of the best forms exercise because it increases circulation throughout the body and to the heart muscle. It is important to increase your activity gradually. Walk at your own pace. Stop and rest if you get tired. Each person progresses at a different rate after heart surgery. Physical therapists will provide you with an individual plan for exercise before your discharge. It is important to pace your activities throughout the day. Do not try to do too many
Stairs :
Unless your doctor tells you differently, you can climb stairs. Take them at a slow pace, stop and rest if you tire. When using the handrail, do not pull yourself up with your arms. Use your legs.
Sexual :
You can resume sexual relations when you feel comfortable. For many people this is about 2 to 4 weeks after discharge, unless instructed differently by your doctor.
Driving :
You can ride as a passenger in a car at any time. Avoid driving. outdoor bicycling or motorcycle riding for 6 weeks after surgery. This time period is recommended to allow your breastbone (sternum) to heal. Also your movements might be limited and slow before the 6 weeks are up. When traveling be sure to get out of the car every 2 hours and walks around for a few minutes.
Lifting :
You should not put too much strain on your sternum while it is healing. Avoid lifting, pushing, or pulling anything heavier than 10 pounds for 6 weeks after surgery. This includes carrying children, groceries, and moving furniture. Don't hold your breath during any activity, especially when lifting anything or when using the rest room.
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